Classic car storage includes the following:
- covered with a dust sheet
- held in heated garage
- atmosphere managed with dehumidifier
- access for inspection of your car at your convenience, twenty-four hours notice required for driving away
Additional Options
Bronze Package includes these additional options for your classic car storage:
- maintained on a battery conditioner
- monthly check of brake and clutch fluid levels, anti-freeze check
- monthly tyre pressure check
Silver Package includes these additional options for your classic car storage:
- Bronze Package
- car raised on axle stands
- chrome detail sprayed with WD40 on a monthly basis
Gold Package includes these additional options for your classic car storage:
- Bronze and Silver Package
- pre-storage clean, inside and out
- car engine run and driven, subject to weather conditions, either in our compound or on the local roads until normal operating temperature has been attained on a monthly basis
- car cleaned inside and outside after being run and returned to storage
- optional air chamber
Additional services may be arranged as required, such as servicing, race preparation, bodywork, trimming and other related classic car storage matters.